Indonesian Companies: Get Ready, There Will Be a Gold Bank! This BUMN Will Be the MotorFinance 2024. 11. 17. 21:01반응형
The Ministry of State E-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) continues to encourage the establishment of a bullion bank or gold bank. Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed that later gold trading services will be available at PT Pegadaian.
"So we want to push again and we are finalizing with the government to have a Bullion bank permit. The hope is that later people will save gold again, but not in physical gold, it can be in digital form," he said at The Gade Tower, Jakarta, quoted on Thursday (6/9).
The man who is familiarly called Tiko said that gold is the safest investment place amidst the volatile geopolitical conditions and the United States (US) dollar. So that the Indonesian people are considered suitable to invest in this low-risk asset.
"And it is indeed only Pegadaian in Indonesia that has the ability to store gold. One Indonesia may even have 100 tons of gold that is guaranteed by Pegadaian or in gold savings," he said.
The reason for the bullion bank service to be managed by Pegadaian is because it is considered to have experience in managing physical gold.
"So, bullion banks are indeed physical. So the bank must have physical delivery of gold, right? And now in Indonesia, Pegadaian is the one that has the experience to manage physical gold," he said.
On the same occasion, Pegadaian President Director Damar Latri Setiawan admitted that the company has prepared products for gold banks. However, his party is currently still waiting for regulations from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
"Currently, the bullion service for Pegadaian has ready products but the POJK has not been issued, wait for the POJK regulations," he said.
"For the product mechanism, it already exists, for example, people want to save gold, they can get gold margins. Or maybe gold entrepreneurs want to borrow gold, not money, borrow gold, get gold back," he explained.
Previously, PT Pegadaian (Persero) provided the latest developments regarding the development of the gold ecosystem or bullion service. Pegadaian President Director Damar Latri Setiawan said that his party is still waiting for the Financial Services Authority (POJK) regulation regarding the derivatives of gold development in the Financial Sector Development and Strengthening Law (UU P2SK).
Even so, the BUMN subsidiary has prepared a system test on the development of the gold ecosystem. Such as with the existence of Tabungan Emas Plus.
"Tabungan plus, so people save and then later they can get a margin from the gold. Then the results of the savings we can provide loans," explained Damar in the Pegadaian 2023 Performance press conference, Tuesday (6/2/2024).
In addition, he explained that people who need gold can borrow from Pegadaian and pay it back in the form of gold again. Both are still being tested internally by the company and have not been widely launched to the public.
"We are still waiting for the POJK to be issued. So right now we are just preparing while waiting for the existing policy," concluded Damar.
He also emphasized that Pegadaian uses the term bullion service, not bullion bank. Because, the company develops bullion services, not becoming a conventional bank.
To note, the P2SK Law regulates bullion business activities. The definition of bullion business activities referred to in the PPSK Law article 130 is, namely, business activities related to gold in the form of savings, financing, trading, gold custody, and/or other activities carried out by financial services institutions (LJK).반응형'Finance' 카테고리의 다른 글
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